1 June 2024
FlightGear extends a very warm thank you to DigitalOcean for supporting our project with server and bandwidth contributions.
21 January 2021
Translating FlightGear is a volunteer effort like everything else we do.
17 January 2018
What you see today as FlightGear is the result of 20 years of collaborative development effort by hundreds of talented people all working together to provide a freely available GPL flight simulator that anyone can contribute to.
3 December 2015
Changes of various kinds affect FlightGear – it seems this year more than in others. Please read here an overview.
26 March 2012
On March 12, 2012 suspected Japanese tsunami debris was discovered washed up on the beaches of Long Beach, CA.
2 February 2012
As a skydiver adds more gear such as front packs and items strapped to legs or arms, the jumper’s basic stability in free-fall is reduced.
2 August 2011
As many people will be aware, there is a (self described) “new” flight simulator product that is being widely and actively marketed at the moment under various names – Flight Pro Sim, Pro Flight Simulator, etc.
9 April 1996
An idea entered my head on Monday, April 8, 1996. "Why wait around for some large company to make what WE want? Why not do it ourselves".