19 December 2020
FlightGear's 2020.3 Long Term Stable (LTS) release has moved to the world's newest country, geologically speaking, Iceland.
6 November 2020
After two years of work, the new stable release of the free open-source flight simulator FlightGear is finally here: 2020.3!
27 May 2020
FlightGear 2020.1.2 contains bug-fixes and improvements to the 2020.1 release.
12 May 2020
The FlightGear development team is delighted to announce the 2020.1 release of FlightGear, the free, open-source flight simulator.
2 April 2020
There's a new stable (long-term supported) release just available on SourceForge: 2018.3.5.
26 September 2018
After introducing the scripted releases four times a year, the FG development team decided to have a discussion to compare this experience with what we had before.
26 August 2018
Few of us will ever have the chance to go to ISS and view the ‘pale blue marble’ from low Earth orbit – for real that is.
10 February 2018
The first FG release in 2018 will move to the tropical island of Oahu, using Honolulu as the default airport.